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Brag Tags and What They're REALLY Doing To My Students

Well, I did the unthinkable today...I ventured into my classroom.  I's JULY. This is the earliest I have EVER gone into my classroom to work BUT I have some things I'd like to do this year, so I thought if I could at least get my furniture placed today I'll be happy and will be able to visualize everything else NEW I want to do this year.  I did get the majority of my layout done, so I guess I should feel accomplished.  Only now I keep thinking about all the redecorating and decluttering I need to get done (that is one of my many goals this year-PURGE, BABY, PURGE!)
 Beautiful view, isn't it? Sigh...

Anywho, as the school year approaches, I like to think about some classroom management techniques I'd like to alter, change, or just get rid of.  One thing my students look forward to the most year after year are Brag Tags.  I thought I'd do a little Q&A session to explain how I use them in my classroom the STRESS FREE WAY incase you're on the fence about using Brag Tags in your classroom as well!


A: Brag Tags are an inexpensive way to motivate, recognize, and build a community within your classroom.  Brag Tags are a great way to recognize students for a job well done throughout the week, or whatever time frame you chose to distribute your tags.  These tags are a great way for ALL students in your classroom to feel accomplished and recognized for something they've done-big or small! 


A: Let me begin by saying, when I first started using Brag Tags, I struggled to find a hassle free and time saving way to make these work for me and my students...well let's face it...ME! I often found myself sitting at my desk Thursdays  after school, looking through my boxes and boxes of tags, matching a tag to the student who I thought deserved it the most that week.  As you might imagine, this can get a little hairy.  I didn't' want the same students earning a tag EVERY WEEK nor could I remember who did what!? I also didn't want my well behaved students to expect a tag week after week either.  I wanted to instill in my students it's just as important to be happy for those who DID receive a tag, instead of just simply waiting to see which one they would be adding to their necklace.  *I've used the tiny "ball necklaces" from Amazon in the past to house their tags, but this year I'm thinking of using a bit of an easier clasp.  Most of them can handle it by the middle to end of the year, but I might be considering a switch-a-roo to nylon ones.Still pondering that one...

My Solution: I thought to myself (or knowing me I probably said it out loud one morning while drinking my coffee), "What if I chose a few tags on MONDAY to hand out on FRIDAY?  This will allow students to see my expectations for the week AND it will alleviate my Thursday after school stress of having to chose tags!?!" So, I purchased a light box from TJ MAXX (a few summers ago) for around $5 and got to work.
 *You can find light boxes almost anywhere these days. At the beginning of each week, I displayed the tags on the light box.  I used my Silhouette machine and vinyl from Michaels to create the heading.  Flower and Unicorn magnets are from Target. 

After watching our Class Dojo Growth Mindset Video for the week each Monday morning, I would go over this week's Brag Tags with my second graders.  I would mostly leave the box lit during the day because the light signified I was "searching" for a recipient for each of those tags.  Once I DID find someone deserving of that tag, I would write their name on the back using a tiny sticky note and turn the tag over, meaning that tag had been awarded to one lucky winner in the room! It really kept the students motivated and excited throughout the week to see the tags slowly disappear.  More than one student deserving of that tag? No problem! Just add their name to the sticky note and you're golden!


A: I held a "Brag Tag Ceremony" every Friday morning (which honestly lasted only a few minutes).  When students came in that morning, they were able to grab their necklace from our Brag Tag Board and wear their necklace for the day. I used craft paper from TJ Maxx and a piece of foam board from Michaels or Hobby Lobby. I've included the bunting and labels in my brag tag set HERE
*I also used these necklaces for our Reading Beads, where students earn a bead for every 100 minutes read that week, but that's for another post!  
In the past, I've created a tag for each student using clipart that resembled them! This has worked well for me, seeing as I don't typically get new students very often, HOWEVER, I am thinking of making a more uniform name tag to save myself the time.  I have a feeling my "not getting new students in the middle of the year" luck is going to run out...

I would show each tag on our document camera for the whole class to see and then I'd give a quick (literally 5 second) explanation of that tag and if there was something that stood out to me as I observed the student completing that particular task. For example,iIf I handed out the "iShare because iCare," tag I might say, 'I saw this person sharing their crayons with someone at their table this week who didn't have a red to use. I thought that was just so thoughtful of them and I know that made their friend happy!'. I'd read the name, and without me having to ask, my students would start clapping-every year for four years they clap!   The first time it happened, it really made me smile and also made me realize, "Ok...I am loving these!"


A: No! Brag Tags are one of the least expensive "rewards" you can do for your students! I do use Classroom Coupons in my classroom, but we'll talk about that at a later date, too!  Determine how/ where you want your students to store their tags, storage for your tags, and that's basically it!  The good thing is if you download from a TPT seller, you're able to reprint them year after year!  If you do not hav access to a colored printer, print onto colored paper using the black and white option on your printer settings.

I've created monthly themed and all year long Brag Tags to use with my students. I honestly find myself only needing to reprint the themed tags from year to year since those are typically the ones I hand out to my whole class. (If I am giving out whole class tags, I'll leave those on their desks Friday morning).  I try not to hand out the same tag over and over and over again to keep each tag sacred and special! I do have many types of tags that basically reiterate the same things, so I assure you, you won't have trouble finding tags to hand out each week. 
If you are feeling overwhelmed with Brag Tags and just not quite sure if they're for you, these monthly themed tags pictured above are the way to go. This will limit you to only handing out those particular set of tags for that month-less burden on your for prepping, storing, and distributing. 
How cute are these Wizard of Oz tags?! They are included in my WOZ unit HERE! It's always one of our favorites :)

Students always get really excited for the themed tags because I tell them they are, "Limited Edition," and won't be given out again for the rest of the year!!!


A:To start off, I'd say, "Yes", but after that, "NO!"  When I first started, I had some parent volunteers help me with cutting, laminating, and hole punching. I feel like I've been using some of these same tags pictured here from four years ago! There are so many different varieties I don't need to be constantly printing out tags at the start of every year.  Like I said, mainly the ones I need to reprint are the seasonal tags, since those are what I typically distribute to my whole class. 
You can choose to print on cardstock without lamination or on regular paper with lamination.  I've done the regular paper with lamination only because cardstock is a little pricey.  
If you use the seasonal tags, you can prep as you go! Give some parent volunteers your November tags in September or October and you'll be set.  Or do what I do and bust out your paper cutter and turn on Golden Girls-you'll be done for the entire year in NO TIME! :P


I use these amazing containers I found at Michaels a few years back (they still carry them) to store my tags.  I'm able to fit 2 months of my seasonal tags in one half of the box (with the exception of Christmas time of course which needs an entire half! :) ).  #ILoveChristmas #SorryNotSorry


A: YES! I've been  using Brag Tags for about 4 years now and EVERY YEAR so many of my students tell me Friday is their favorite day of the week because we hand out Brag Tags! They get so excited to cheer for their classmates telling them, "Congratulations!" or "Can I see the tag you got?" after our little Friday ceremony.  It really made me think that these are doing so much more than simply recognizing them for positive things being done in and outside the classroom. 
1. It's making them aware of other people other than themselves, which tends to be a difficult thing these days. 
2. They are able to celebrate someone else for their accomplishments. 
3. Strive to do what's right knowing they might be the first one to earn a "Limited Edition" tag! 
4. It's not about having something tangible for doing the right thing. "Well isn't a tag tangible?" In a way...yes.  But it's not a toy they will lose or get bored with in a few hours.  They get super excited to count how many tags they've earned throughout the year, too! I love the fact they are proud of their accomplishments and seeing the smile on their face when I call their name on Friday morning just makes my teacher AND all of my students' hearts smile the biggest, most gigantic, goofiest smile ever!!!


A: If a tag tears, I will repair it one time.  To repair, simply place a piece of tape over the hole and hole punch through it (if you don't want to relaminate the entire tag again).  If it rips a second time, I simply have them take the tag home.  They often times will keep the tag in their pencil case if this happens, which I think it super sweet, but at the same time, I'm not going to spend 80% of our Friday repairing tags.  I model at the beginning of the year how to treat your tags while wearing them, how NOT to sit while wearing them, and so on.  You might be surprised at what good care they take of their special tags.
Well...I think that will at least give you a head start when it comes to using Brag Tags in your classroom.  If you have any other questions concerning Brag Tags please contact me using any of the methods in my sidebar or in the comment section below-I'd love to chat with you!!

I can honestly say I'm sooooo happy I started using these tags with my second graders.  It really is teaching them how to be excited and proud of their efforts as well as the efforts of those around them.  I love seeing my little ones congratulate one another and not "pouting" when they have not receive a tag for the week. I really have had maaaaaaybe one or two TOTAL instances of that happening over the past four years.  But with a simple conversation about what Brag Tags are and what they are meant for, it hasn't happened past that (knock on wood... :P). 

Feel free to check out the tags I use in my classroom with my students HERE.

Thank you for stopping by-Have a great week!

Somewhere In Second
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My Love Affair with My Teacher Lesson Planner

Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself-incase you didn't know already, I'm Jamie-a second grade teacher from Pittsburgh, PA, currently living my best life with my superhero husband and our two cairn terrier kids, Benson and Oliver in the beautiful state of North Carolina.  I graduated from California University in 2008 with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education and relocated to Tennessee where my teaching journey began! I can't believe I just finished up my 10th year-time is certainly flying! Each day brings a new adventure, challenge, and story-which I think is one of the best things about being a teacher-everyday is something NEW! I’m here to share my classroom and teacher life with you-writing about some fun ideas, activities, and resources for you to {hopefully} find useful and can take back to your already amazing classroom!  I'm so happy you're here, taking time out of your day to read what crazy antics I might be up to-hopefully you can relate since crazy certainly loves company. :) I am reentering the blogging world after about 1,311 days (yikes). Hopefully this post won't translate into numbers and letters once I push, "Publish."

For my very first blog post, I decided to write about something that combines some of my greatest loves: school, shopping, and organization!

On a scale of 1-10, rating how much I love summer vacation, I'd have to give it a hard 17.  I know I'm not alone when I say the school year is kind of like the equivalent to running on a hamster wheel-literally head spinning, legs moving nonstop, tiny, beady eyes bugging out- does my crazy have company yet???!
Summer allows me to spend my time at home like a normal person-doing laundry more than once a month, sitting down for dinner and having a conversation that doesn't start with the phrase, "Can you believe what Phyllis put up her nose today!?" Not to mention being able to peruse the internet for things other than clipart.  However, I AM a teacher, so my brain is never really shut off from school.  I did however made a promise to myself when I first started, I would not run myself into the ground and get burned out with work instead of getting some much needed R&R for a few short weeks of summer before the chaos starts all over again!  I do work on a few things here and there throughout the summer time though (simply because I just can't help myself). :D  I'm of course always on the hunt for new additions for my classroom-whether it be new fabric, stuffed animals, some fun new seating options, or books to add to my already overflowing collection (I'll talk more about books very soon!).  

I always order my Erin Condren Teacher Lesson Planner for the new school year on the very first day of summer vacation! Why you ask??  For one, I’m able to sit back, relax, and gawk at all the adorable new covers and styles just released for the upcoming year.  It also allows me to order in enough time for the new school year to begin. I'm waaaaaay too busy the first few weeks before school starts to be thinking about a lesson planner. Plus, it lets me look at how beautiful it is all summer long. :D 
I’ve been ordering Erin Condren lesson planners since 2014 and I get just as excited every year!  I was never a "write my plans in a plan book" kinda gal.  When I was in college, they engrained in us to fully write out your plans each day.  I'm proud to say I did this for the first 6 years of my career.  It got to a point where I felt deflated every time I sat down to plan and opened the lesson plan template on my computer to begin typing.  I  thought to myself, "There's gotta be a better way!" and began to investigate the internet for the best teacher write-in lesson planner.  That's when I discovered the BRIGHTLY COLORED world of Erin Condren.  

I've pretty much used every product listed on her web site-from Life Planners (personal planner) to stickers, to markers and pens, to carrying cases, to acrylic trays, and even lunch boxes. I've deemed myself a "Condie" (soon to be trademarked by ME :D ) the moment I received my very first Erin Condren box in the mail (which is also beautiful btw). 
Above is my very first ever Erin Condren Box! Circa 2014-practically vintage. If you can believe it, they are even prettier now. 
Last year's Box-O-Goodies!

This year's Teacher Planner has been the best new release she’s ever done!  I really like all the upgrades and I'm in love with all of the beautiful covers to choose from (and swap out throughout he year-did I mention I'm obsessed with seasonal themes and decor? Well, now you know). 

 Instead of me telling you about how wonderful it is, let me just show you instead! 
*Feel free to watch the video HERE.  However, I always like to get a fellow teacher's perspective when it comes to such an important purchase.  If you're like me, and I know you are because otherwise you would have stopped reading 5 minutes ago, then please stay and admire on!

 This is a great spot to use Wet Erase Markers to jot down... anything really!  They stay put until you say so-beats dry erase markers any day of the week.
 I especially love the, "Web Resources," section of this page. It's perfect for whenever someone tells me about a great tech resource I want to try and then can't remember of the name of it. I also love having my passwords here so I can always have them ready in a pinch!

 Great section for those students needing a little extra documentation.  You don't have to necessarily use this for "parent communication," either.  Great if you're a mentor and have to meet regularly with your mentee, PLC meetings, and whatever else you might need to document (which seems to be EVERYTHING these days...)

 Love this section for being able to make plans for the year! I always list our Family Writing Projects for each month, chapter and picture book lists, and special guest speakers/ events! I use it for so many different things!!

To be honest, I've never used these pages! I'm ashamed, I know. However, this year I'm planning to make a map of our classroom for substitutes along with what events take place there (example: Read Aloud in the back library, small group lessons at the kidney table, etc.).  I'm also going to use another page to draw the layout of my student tables to make switching seats a breeze (as much as it can be anyway...)
 Blank pages before and after each month.  I love these, too! Perfect for staff or committee meetings, things to remember for the upcoming month, book lists of books you've read or want to read next year, reflections, goal setting-the possibilities are endless!
 See those little numbers in those boxes? used to have to fill those in by hand or using some Date Dots. I do love any excuse to use stickers BUT I'd always end up putting the wrong sticker on the wrong day and not realize it until I was 3/4 of the day through.  It was inevitable...every month.  Biggest improvement in this year's planner by far!
 I also love the fact that she's added the "Dates to Remember" page within each month's calendar!  I love that, once again, this takes the extra work out of thematic planning.  I love being able to see what's happening this month at a quick glance, instead of having to turn to ANOTHER page in my planner. These are great for days you wouldn't typically know off hand, such as, "Friendship Day," or author's birthdays (do I have any author study teachers in the house?!!?! For real one of my favorite things to plan!)

 But the icing on the cake? She's added the dates on the lesson plan pages, too!  Literally  made me squeal when I first saw this-another great way to be able to plan ahead.

I really like the flow of this new planner.  Seems like everything will be effortless by being able to just keep moving forward throughout the year (literally!)
 These lesson plan pages look a little different this time around.  There are 6 "subject" columns instead of 7.  There has been a 7th "blank" column added though, which allows for more flexibility in what you actually do with lesson planning.  I'm thinking I'll take out my "Specials" column I used last year, and just keep a list somewhere in my classroom for student, teacher, and substitute reference. This new column will however be useful for listing reading/ math groups, allowing me to keep a list of what students I need to meet with this week, reminders, important things to remember, transportation changes, or WHATEVER!  This will hopefully prevent me from having 12 different pieces of paper laying around my desk throughout the day.

There's those blank pages again after each  month. I think this is a great section for teacher reflections, thinking about new ideas you have for next year, or what you'd like to change that maybe didn't go so well in your lessons. Once again-so versatile!  
 Student checklists pages are a must! Last year I purchased her Teacher Record Book (which I can't seem to find on her website this year :/ ).  However, these checklists are what I use to record missing homework, list of Brag Tags, permission slips, record of school fees, etc. I use my record book to record actual grades.  If you don't have an online grade book or simply want to have everything in one spot, I suggest adding more checklist pages for a few extra dollars to your planner.

Then there's the STICKERS! 

 I mean...seriously how cute are they?!
 She has really stepped up  her sticker game the past year or so. I love that the blank stickers (pictured above) now have the white section to  make your note/ label so much easier to read.  I've even had my students use these "fancy stickers" during reading and math groups whenever they (cough, cough...I) need some extra motivation. 

 LOOOOOOVE the pocket folders, too!! I use them to store my list of usernames/ passwords for my students, SRI reports, important handouts from faculty meetings, pacing guides, etc. I believe you can also add additional pocket folders to your planner if you'd like. If I said it before I'll say it agin...I love having everything in one place!!! 
This clear pocket is perfect for storing your class schedule, roster, IEP goal sheets, absence notes to be turned in at the end of the year-literally anything. You can add additional clear pockets to your planner, too (I can't believe I did't do that this year!!!)
 Here's another section perfect for wet erase markers or teacher stationary. You can also add a binder clip to keep other important documents handy (that's where I stored my students IEPs so when lesson planning I could quickly flip and check their goals and make sure they were getting the necessary modifications, time, etc.

Very first Teacher Planner (2014).

I really love the clean lines and simplicity of this new planner.
 I'm feeling all Heart Eyed Emoji right about now can't you tell?
You love it, right?! I knew you would! I've placed 20 orders with Erin Condren in the past 4 years-yes 20.  If you would like to order one of these beauties for yourself, use this coupon code for $10 off your first order!

Now, don't call me crazy BUT remember when I talked about feeling deflated when I went to open up my computer to type my lesson plans? Well...I still type my lesson plans. :/ AHH I know-what was the whole point of this planner then?! I tried handwriting them but frankly, I despise my handwriting, and I had a hard time fitting all of my detailed plans in the boxes (I have to be detailed in my plans-that's just how my brain works!) I use Mrs. Magee's FREE Lesson Plan Template she created just for this planner

Oh yeah...and I get to admire clipart and cute font throughout the entire week :)

Last year I created some subject labels to save myself some time and sanity-
Just added a touch more beauty, didn't it?  Can you tell I like things pretty? :P

It was so nice not having to write the same subject and time period over and over and over again week after week. 

NEW headings above for this year's planner-had to adjust the size just a touch.

These labels are fully customizable and can be edited to fit your schedule.  I've also included pre-made headings for those of you who aren't into customization. 

I started the year printing these labels onto sticker paper, but towards the end of the year I simply printed them onto regular printer paper and glued them in (took less than 5 minutes I promise).  Each page of labels has enough for one month of plans.  So go ahead and print them out for the year and start sticking while watching your favorite episode of Golden Girls (PS. Another thing you should know about me is I LOVE the Golden Girls. I consider myself a Sophia for sure :P ). 


Sometimes we just need a little pretty to motivate us, don't we?! I know I always work better and more efficiently when things are neat, tidy, and organized and this lesson planner allows me to do all of those things without a ton of extra effort!

I can't wait to put my new planner to use this year! I've already started putting some important dates in for the upcoming school year, but haven't gone so far as lesson planning-I'm still allowing myself a few more weeks of summer bliss before that happens. Speaking of, I've got to run- gotta pack for VEGAS with my sisters tomorrow for some much needed girl time. <3 

Have a great week, Friends! Thank you so much for visiting with me!
Somewhere In Second
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[name=Jamie] [img=] [description=Hey there! I’m Jamie, a second grade teacher from Pittsburgh, PA, currently living my best life with my superhero husband and our two cairn terrier kids, Benson and Oliver in the beautiful state of North Carolina. It has always been my dream to be a teacher of little ones, and I am so grateful I get to do what I love everyday. I started my teaching journey is 2008 and to say time is flying would certainly be an understatement! Everyday might not be good, but we certainly find the good in everyday! I’m here to share my classroom and teacher life with you-blogging about some fun and new ideas, activities, and resources for you to {hopefully} find useful and can take back to your already amazing classroom. :) Thanks for stopping by-I’m so excited you’re here! I can’t wait to share my journey with you all! ]

Follow @georgialoustudios